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Written translation services

We perform translation in two directions with Russian language (from Russian into foreign language and from foreign language into Russian) and bidirectional English—French translations. Any translated text undergoes a strict proofreading and editing control. Such a double control increases equivalence with the original text and readability of the target text. If necessary, it can be certified by the Company seal .

According to the western tradition we measure the text volume by word count. Th usual speed of translation is 2600 words (of the source text) per day. We can also work in fast (2600-3900 words per day) and express (3900-4200 words per day) modes.

So, these two parameters — volume and deadline — determine the price. Please, take into account that the price also depends on the translation direction.

Be sure, for lower prices LinguaContact provides high-quality translation!

Prices (EUR) for the English—French written translations:

from English into French 0.11
from French into English 0.11

Per 1 word of the source text

Prices table (EUR) for the Russian language written translations:

Into Russian From Russian
Chinese 0.05 0.065
English 0.03 0.04
Estonian 0.04 0.05
Finnish 0.045 0.06
French 0.03 0.04
German 0.03 0.04
Italian 0.03 0.04
Korean 0.05 0.065
Spanish 0.03 0.04
Swedish 0.04 0.05

If you cannot find the desired language in the table above, feel free to contact us.

All the prices are indicated in Euros per 1 word of the source text.

You can check the official rouble exchange rate on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation website.

You can get the information about words quantity with Microsoft Word software, menu Service > Stats.

Or send us your file for the cost appraisal.

The indicated price increases by 50% for the fast order — 2600-3900 words per day.

The indicated price increases by 130% for the express order — 3900-4200 words per day.

If you make an order for more than 13 000 words at once, we will give you a 3% discount.

If you make an order for more than 26 000 words at once, we will give you a 6% discount.

Working with big orders and regular clients implies additional price flexibility.


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ISO 9001:2011

"Alba Longa" translation company was certified to the international quality standard ISO 9001: 2011


Редкий на сегодняшний день профессионализм. Приятно работать с такой командой.”
- Закревская Юлия


Обращались неоднократно. Всегда очень довольны работой, спасибо большое за профессионализм!”
- ООО "Диполь"