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Translation of charter documents

LinguaContact provides linguistic services to companies and translation of charter documents

Different types of legal translation have their particularities and are considered as challenging. The translator specializing in legal translation is not only an expert in foreign languages, but is also proficient in specialized legal terminology. Not every translator is a specialist in legal translation. However, you can be sure that when you entrust your translation project to LinguaContact translation company, you work with an expert in the required area.

To translate incorporation documents, you need a specialist who is familiar with the specificities of the area and has a large experience in it. Charter documents is the basis of foundation, existence and operation of a company, independently of its activities or business legal structure. They include articles of incorporation and bylaws, sometimes called charter. Charter documents also relate to the list of participants, reports on the directors’ meetings, a decision about incorporation of the company, a certificate of incorporation, etc. If you need to translate your charter documents accurately and quickly, contact LinguaContact.

Our translators can also provide accurate translation of video games for PCs and consoles so that gamers could enjoy your quality games.


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ISO 9001:2011

"Alba Longa" translation company was certified to the international quality standard ISO 9001: 2011


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