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Label Translation

Label translation is one of a few types of translation that can lead to dramatic financial and reputational losses for the customer in case of any omissions. In particular, this is the case for brand names as any word that sounds fairly innocently in one language might look offensive in some other language. For instance, why Zhiguli car brand was renamed as Lada for export purposes? Because nobody heard about Zhiguli Mountains (as well as Zhiguli beer) in foreign countries and the name itself would evoke association with «gigolo». And there are many similar examples. Thus, it is not just a translation that is required from the label translator: every detail should be treated with the highest possible accuracy and all intercultural peculiarities should be considered with care. It’s also worth mentioning that this kind of work must be performed in close cooperation with the customer. In fact, it is namely the customer who finally confirms the translated label for mass distribution. This means that in case of any omission the whole batch will need to be reprinted leading to significant additional expenses. As concerns other details or descriptions contained on labels, they should be accurate, clear, explicit and intelligible to attract a consumer and, at the same time, provide maximum understandable product details. Such a creative, in many ways, challenge can be met by the translator with some experience in other fields, apart from translation as such. And LinguaContact can provide such translators.

For reference:
All Finnish Kesko shops that were recently launched in Saint-Petersburg use labels translated by LinguaContact Translation Company. After completion of this large-scale and complicated project, we received a letter of recommendation from the customer.

See also:
Translation of customs-related documentation


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ISO 9001:2011

"Alba Longa" translation company was certified to the international quality standard ISO 9001: 2011


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